
Article on County-Level COVID-19 Data Set and Analysis

In August 2020, I wanted to see if the relationship between an area's demographics (minority composition, education, population density, etc). To do so, I first began finding county-level data. Using Python, I found data from the following sources:

  1. COVID-19 Cases and Deaths, Population: USAFacts

  2. Mask/Social-Distancing Policies: AARP

  3. Race Demographics: US Census Bureau

  4. Unemployment, Income, and Education: USDA

  5. Calculated Population Density: USAFacts and ArcGIS

I then combined the data together to produce a data set containing 3,000+ counties with the information above for each. I added additional columns like infection rates and mortality rates using tallies.

Then, I sorted counties by their infection rates and began exploring the characteristics of the counties with the highest and lowest infections.

I summarized my findings in that analysis through an article in Towards Data Science on Medium. Click the image to the right to check it out.

Article on COVID-19 Web Application

After incorporating the compiled data set into a live web application (learn more here), I published an article describing the process behind making the app and its use cases. It includes an in-depth walk through of the app's three pages with real outputs from the app. Check it out by clicking the image to the right.